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Your health matters to us
The association aims to protect 4 million children in middle schools from the risk of rheumatic fever.
Our goal is awareness
Our goal is to raise health awareness in Egyptian society in all its categories to reach a physically and psychologically healthy society.
You are in the heart
  • صحتك تهمنا

    يهدف المشروع إلى حماية 4 مليون طفل بالمدارس الإعدادية من خطر الحمى الروماتيزمية

  • هدفنا التوعية

    مسح طبي للفئة العمرية من 12- 15 سنة لاحتمالات الإصابة وعدد الإصابات الفعلية لأمراض روماتزم القلب

  • انت فى القلب

    سوف يتم تطبيق هذا المستهدف على مراحل على أن تبدأ المرحلة الأولى في المحافظات الأكثر فقرا


Who we are

The National Heart Institute is making a continuous and permanent effort in the field of diagnosis and treatment of Egyptian patients with heart diseases and surgeries. In support of the role it plays, the idea of ​​announcing the “Friends of the National Heart Institute Association” was born to be the social arm of the institute through which interaction takes place between civil society and the institute as a governmental body to contribute, provide effective assistance and cooperate for the benefit of patients who are unable to do so and to raise the level of health services provided to heart patients in all parts of Egypt.

Strategic identity

The National Heart Institute Fellows Association is a Civil Society Organization that works according to the Comprehensive Sustainable Development approach/principles.....

Previous experience

In the medical field, we cooperated with Vodafone Egypt to conduct “Heart to Heart” convoys, in which a survey was conducted for (13,884) cases of both sexes in 12 governorates of the Republic......

The Mission

The National Heart Institute Fellows Association seeks, with its experience and scientific and human capabilities in the fields of public health and medical care (especially heart diseases).....

The Vision

The National Heart Institute Fellows Association is sustainable and developing; i.e., participatory-governed, strategically managed and has the human capacity/capabilities, assets, resources and working relationships with relevant (government authorities/officials, donors....

— The National Heart Institute

Frequently Asked Questions

Rheumatic fever is an immune disease that occurs after infection with a sore throat or tonsillitis caused by a type of bacteria called streptococcus.

Ministry of Health

Its role is to provide the project with doctors who are trained on the project and become the nucleus

in their governorate to ensure continued follow-up, disease detection and modern treatment methods even after the project period ends.

Ministry of Education

Its role is to facilitate entry to schools and obtain a database of students

for the target group and undertake facilitating the access of positive cases to the specified medical centers and facilitating communication with parents

and facilitating access to the environment created for children from teachers and supervisors because of their positive impact on students.

Heart Institute

And accordingly, provide the project with medical and scientific support from trainers and consultants to undertake the work of training programs

for doctors and follow up on medical cases that require specialized therapeutic skills

The World Health Organization

It is responsible for providing the project with global programs and how to evaluate medical and preventive performance and place Egypt on the map of countries

resisting the disease in preparation for ending the disease and removing Egypt from the endemic areas Project Partners

Due to the difficulty of the project, its extension, and the large number of the target group and its spread throughout the republic, the project was divided into stages during which the governorates were divided and 3 governorates were chosen that are characterized by population density and the large number of the target group, as they are among the poorest governorates located in the Upper Egypt region, where there is a great need for development and development and a severe lack of medical services.

The age groups most susceptible to the disease are from 5 to 15 years old

  • High body temperature
  • Severe joint pain (the joint appears swollen, red, painful to move, and the sensation moves between the large joints)
  • Abdominal pain

It is not a contagious disease...but it is a result of an infectious disease (tonsillitis)

Taking penicillin to get rid of the effects of the streptococcus bacteria

Taking aspirin and cortisone after consulting a specialist doctor

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Meeting with Care Egypt Foundation to assess institutional needs for the Ertiqaa project

Cooperation protocol with Dr. Nabil Center in Bahariya Oasis

United Nations Conference on Civil Society

Awareness seminars for women and girls against discrimination and violence

Our latest projects


63 El-Alam Buildings, Agouza

Phone number



Methods of donation

1- Donate through the Ana Vodafone application by clicking on Vodafone Cash, then Donations, then choosing the association. 2- Donate via Vodafone Cash using the following code: #71*9* 3- Via Mega Khair, send a message with the word “Hearts” to 9797 for five pounds. 4- Through all branches of Bank Misr on account number 4670001000222222 5- Call us at 01069220082 and our representative will come to your door
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