Strategic Identity
- Strategic objectives
- Regarding institutional development/modernization لFriends of the National Heart Institute Association:
- To enable the Friends of the National Heart Institute Association to become a more participatory organization in governance, strategic management, sustainability and development; and
- To be an advocate for a comprehensive and sustainable development approach within the civil society sector; and
- Develop strong links, frameworks and mechanisms for cooperation/partnership between it and civil society organizations in Egypt and other countries that have the same or complementary mandates and/or areas of work; as well as with relevant governmental authorities and legislative bodies; and private sector entities; so that more resources and commitment can be mobilized to implement and sustain positive activities and changes/results, and to expand and replicate successful programs to address more problems of needy communities.
- In relation to the target communities and partner and/or beneficiary civil society organizations :
- Strengthening the foundations of comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable development in 25 poor, underserved communities and the governorates in which they are located, and
- Improving public health and socio-economic status in 25 poor and deprived communities across Egypt.
1-التبرع أبلكيشن أنا فودافون من خلال الضغط علي فودافون كاش ثم التبرعات ثم اختيار الجمعية
2- التبرع عن طريق فودافوان كاش من خلال الكود التالي: #71*9*
3- عن طريق ميجا خير ابعت رساله مكتوب فيها قلوب او Hearts على9797 بخمسة جنية
4-من خلال جميع فروع بنك مصر على حساب رقم 4670001000222222
5- اتصل بنا علي 1069220082 0ليصلك مندوبنا حتي باب البيت